Thursday, January 6, 2011

WWD Rates Quarterbacks... What?

So, I don't know if you can really read this (click to enlarge) but it is WWD's lame attempt at judging NFL quarterbacks. Now being that I love fashion and the pig skin, you would think I would be down with a chart like this... Well, I am not. Why, you ask? Because these fashion reporters have no business mixing "looks" with "skills" on the field. Now, I will hand it to them that they got the #1 quarterback (I mean if he is not the MVP this season, who will be?) in the league correct, but do you think that has anything to do with the fact he is married to a super model? Umm, more than likely.

Also, I would like to add that there is one VERY important Southern Gentleman that is not on this list: Phillip Rivers. You know, they are probably right, Rivers had his 4th consecutive year of 4,000 plus passing yards and despite numerous injuries took his team to a winning record, but no WWD knows all... Rivers has no business on their good-for-nothing list. (f there was a sarcasm font, this is when I would have used it.)

Mercy me. Leave football to the people how know it, and the fashion to the people who live for it. I just to happen to fall into both categories, so if you do re-create this God-for-saken list next season, WWD call me :)


  1. And so are you seeing as you come onto my blog insult me and I don't know who you are... Pot calling the kettle black... Interesting.
