Thursday, July 8, 2010

January (Jones) in August

One of my favorite television shows is Mad Men (it comes back to the small screen on Sunday, July 25th, and let me tell you I am excited). I adore this show for many a reason, but I cannot tell a lie, the thing that got me into it a couple years back was the clothing. The men, the women, the children; you name it, I am into it! From Don's sleek suits and skinny ties, to Joan's pencil skirts, to Betty's white gloves and full skirts, this show is the most aesthetically pleasing I have ever seen. And yes, I am going so far out as to say I love it's styling more than Sex and the City (I still love you Patricia Field); but if you have met me and seen how I dress, then you know why. So bravo to Janie Bryant, the shows lead costume designer for bringing the 60's look back to life!

Mad Men has two things to celebrate this week; one being the impressive amount of Emmy nominations, and the other is their continued partnership with Banana Republic. Beginning one week before the show debuts it's fourth season on AMC, Banana Republic window displays across the country will feature looks inspired by the show that shoppers will be able to purchase. There is even a contest from July 21st through August 11th to win a walk on role, so if you're as a big a fan as I am, I would check it out!

Now back to the headline of this post, Miss January Jones. The ever so lovely and elegant January has never disappointed me when it comes to her read carpet style. I am always in awe of her modern choices that juxtapose her character's timeless fashion sense. Congrats to January for her Best Leading Actress in a Dramatic Series nomination, and lucky for all of us who get to see her walk down the red carpet in Haute Couture come Sunday, August 29th when the Emmy's will be broadcasted on NBC.

Also, a Mad Men post would not be complete with the plain and simple truth that Jon Hamm is a babe and will look that way come Emmy night as well. Now let's all raise our scotches and give a toast to Mad Men and hopefully some big Emmy wins!

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