The two pieces of good news for Ms. Lohan are:
1. She still takes up a massive amount of ink and type face in the press for her embarrassing behavior having to do with drunk driving incidents, not showing up for court dates, etc. I am of the opinion, however, it is better for her to be in the press for the impressive act she put on in court on Tuesday in Beverly Hills where she was sentenced to 90 days in jail followed by 90 days in rehab. The impressive act leads me to my second piece of good news.
2. Lindsay put on her best best performance since Mean Girls. Which brings me to my next topic; I am under the impression there is only one person capable of saving Lindsay. So, Tina Fey, can you call the girl up, give her a talk, and do for her life what you did for her career by casting her the lead in Mean Girls? Thankyouverymuch!
I was not born yesterday and am completely aware she will not serve this full sentence, but I am glad there is a judge out there who wants her to be punished, who wants to show you cannot simply get away with committing crimes because you were in one of the best family movies of all time (The Parent Trap), and who wants her to start wearing pants for the love of goodness sake!*
So long and short of it, Ms. Lohan, you do not get to pass Go or collect $200. Get in jail and think long and hard about the kind of example you are setting for our youth. Both with your fashion (or lack thereof) and your behavior.
*Examples of not wearing pants

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