Z Spoke by Zac Posen, are you serious? You went and you gosh darn did it! Wow. I mean, I really feel like this was the show of the season. It was fun, vibrant, energetic, and a huge wake up call from other shows. Like, hello, we need a little bit more umph in our lives these days what with the "economy" (I use quotations here as I feel like this is very over used, but still relevant; hell I was laid off in 2009, it wasn't pretty!), Facebook is taking over our lives/documenting each breath we take, and because the San Francisco 49ers are 0-2. Seriously, it's like Zac knew exactly how to cheer me up and there is reason to be hopeful; things are getting better in the financial world, I am constantly up to date on what people are wearing via their FB albums, and it is a looooong season (look out Kansas City!). Thank you, Zac. I needed a little pick me up.
I completely know what you mean. This collection was indeed a breath of fresh air! I love the mix of prints and patterns and the vibrant colours. I think Marc Jacobs went down that route as well