The "?" in the Title of this post was not put there on accident. In fact, the question mark pretty much pops into my head any time someone mentions Lady Gaga, sings one of her very catchy songs, or when I see her in a magazine/on an online periodical of some kind. My bodily reaction to said Pop Star is to shrug my shoulders and go "eh." This
certainly is not the response most people have for L.G., this I know to be true. Her entire persona is about shock & awe and being the crazy "Mad Scientist Musician" that I think she truly was born to be. That being said, a lot of things about Gaga, simply do not need to be put onto this earth. Her naked in
Vanity Fair just mere weeks after being naked on
Rolling Stone.... That - for me - simply didn't need to happen.
She graces the cover of the new
V.F. - the September issue no less - looking a little like Twiggy meets Lindsay Lohan meets an extra in the scene from
Forest Gump where they are protesting in DC. Stoner hippy or multi-millionaire or highest recording artist of the last year? From this picture alone I would say the former... But again, Gaga doesn't really ever cause me to come to a conclusion. So from this cover I can do this - I
can say she has certainly coined her image as an out of this world performer and person. Other than that, I am left shaking my head and seeing "?" jumping off the computer screen.
For a sneak peak at the article click
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